I Live On The Internet So You Don’t Have To

Welcome to Making Sense of Nonsense.

There’s lots of really cool stuff being built. I won’t pretend to keep up with everything. But I like to ask interesting questions, try to answer them and hear what others think.

Making Sense of Nonsense is the most enjoyable way to stay up-to-date and learn about what’s capturing the internet’s attention. Technology has rapidly increased the speed of cycles (news, fads, technology, people, futurism, collective thought, etc.) making it difficult to sift through all the noise.

The most interesting stuff is happening in tech, crypto, venture, nft’s, “the future” and how humans are behaving around these things. I have a ton of fun talking to thought leaders in these spaces. I also have a ton of fun talking to everyday people who think all these things are ludicrous.

I think you’ll enjoy reading it regardless of which camp you fall into. Who knows, maybe you’ll even decide to pitch your tent in a different camp from the one you started in!

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The Future, Tech, Venture, Crypto, Human Behavior